and write down questions and constructive feedbackIf you quit today and dropped your project, could a someone pick take over your project and work with your data without talking to you?
Do you think you could come back to this project in 15 years and reproduce your analysis?
, *.csv
, *.fastq
, *.gff
, *.tsv
, images, etc.The data folder contains all input data (and metadat) used in the analysis.
The doc folder contains the manuscript
The figs directory contains figures generated by the analysis
The output folder contains any type of intermediate or output files (e.g. simulation outputs, models, processed datasets, etc.). You might separate this and also have a cleaned-data folder.
The R directory contains R scripts with function definitions.
The reports folder contains RMarkdown files that document the analysis or report on results.
The scripts that actually do things are stored in the root directory, but if your project has many scripts, you might want to organise them in a directory of their own.
Have a consistent naming scheme
Arrange folders in hierarchical structure
Have a README file that describes the project as well as a basic tour of your folder structure
Include README files in subfolders for files that aren’t described or commented easily
Include an appropriate license
Seperate in progress and completed work
Keep track of ideas, notes, discussions and next steps with GitHub Issues
).Navigate to https://github.com/gchure/reproducible_research
Click on green “Use this template”
Select “Create a new repository”
Clone the new repository to your local machine
Copy and paste the folders into your project repository
Play with the structure, folders, naming to fit your own project
File management incorporates naming and structure
Workflow helps you organize your projects and make it easier for others to reproduce your work